Register Today for Camp Caverns: 1st Session: July 13-19 • 2nd Session: July 20-26. Save 10% with Promo Code: CAMP4XMAS
"Not all those who wander are lost." ~J.R.R. Tolkien
A Week at Camp Caverns
2-4p CT: Check in. Location: The Caverns, 555 Charlie Roberts Road, Pelham TN, 37366
Camp Caverns Crew will check campers into their packs. Parents will receive specific check in information. We will get campers gear and any paperwork we don’t have. After goodbyes are said, Camp Caverns Counselors and CITs will bring campers to their yurts to get moved in and to introduce them to their fellow pack members.
5p: Orientation
Orientation will be done by Camp Caverns Director and Crew. This will be a fun and cool way to explain that they are about to become members of the Camp Caverns Family. Campers will be given a keepsake to represent their pack which also signifies their ties to the Camp Caverns Family forever.
6p: Dinner
7p: Campers will gather for initiation into their packs and begin Pack Torch decorating.
8p: Opening Campfire and roasting marshmallows. Pack Torches will be unveiled and lit.
9p: Campers return to yurts.
10p: Lights out
Monday: Explore The Hero's Journey
8a: Wake up call.
While our official wake up is 8a we understand at Camp Caverns that all campers are unique. There will be supervised quiet activities for our early risers. We will have all campers clean up, brush teeth, etc.
9a: Breakfast
10a: Head up to The Caverns Big Room Cave. In the darkness of the cave, campers will listen to a recorded presentation explaining the mythic “Hero’s Journey” and the history of The Caverns with an emphasis on the indigenous Woodland and Cherokee, buried gold, the Nunnehi’, and the mythological tale of the “lost tribe” of Woodland children.
1p: Lunch at The Caverns Shady Grove
2-4p: We're going caving! There are many age appropriate passages inside The Caverns and each of the Packs will find an underground adventure that involves cave helmets, knee pads and plenty of mud!
4-6p: Pack Time: Arts & Crafts. Packs will decorate their bunk plaques
6p: Dinner in Big Mouth Cave
7p: Camp Caverns tradition - movie night in the cave!
10p: Campers will spend the night inside The Caverns music venue!
Tuesday: Explore Teamwork
8a: Wake up call.
9a: Breakfast.
10a-12p: Pack Time: Arts & Crafts
12p: Lunch
1-3p: Archery, Campfire Cooking, and Axe Throwing
3-5p: Apothecary activity to create your unique room spray, scent roller, sugar scrub
5p: Free time
6p-7p: Dinner
7p-9p: Glow Games!
9p: Campers to yurts
10p: Lights out
Wednesday: Explore History & Nature
8a: Wake up call.
9a: Breakfast.
10a: Bus to Lake Cheston, Sewanee
11a: Group hike
12p: Lakeside cookout lunch
1p-4p: Optional advanced hike and swim time - paddleboard, kayak or simply float around beautiful Lake Cheston.
4p-5p: Return to Yurt Village
5p-6p: Free Time
6p: Dinner
7p-9p: Cave Dance and karaoke! Get your glow sticks ready for cave dancing fun!
9p: Campers to yurts
10p: Lights out
Thursday: Explore New Heights of Adventure!
8a: Wake up call
9a: Breakfast
10a: Trip to Bigfoot Adventure for ziplining. Get ready to soar through the trees!
12p: Lunchtime
1-3p: Sports & Crafts
3-5p: Talent Show Prep
6p: Dinner
7-9p: Camp Caverns 4th Annual Talent Show! Campers and crew get to show off their skills and talents. Singing, dancing, juggling and jokes - we can’t wait to see what new talents this summer brings! Costumes and props welcome!
9p: Campers to yurts
10p: Lights out
Friday: Explore Connection
8a: Wake up call
9a: Breakfast
10a: Pack Time: Arts & Crafts. Campers will make a Camp Caverns keepsake to represent their pack.
12p: Lunchtime
1p-3p: Trivia Time! Time for campers to show off their knowledge of all things pop culture, sports, and of course Camp Caverns! What is the name of the cave we watched the movie in? What color is Ms Mayo’s water bottle? How many cats does Taylor Swift have?
6p: Dinner.
7-9p: Closing Campfire and 1st Annual Camp Caverns Awards Ceremony. Campers will be initiated into Camp Caverns family forever.
9p: Campers to yurts
11p: Lights out.
8a: Wake up call.
9a: Breakfast.
Pick-up: 10a-12p CT
"This camp is basically a part of my soul at this point." ~ Camper, 3 years at Camp Caverns

Contact: Jen Mayo, Camp Director • • (423) 228-0506